Saturday, August 8, 2009

Waddell Creek - Beautiful Trail Run

I learn something new on each 'long run'. Every other weekend we push the distance on a run another 2mi compared to our previous long run; this morning we ran 12mi. The setting was beautiful - Waddell Creek State Park on the N. Calif. coast north of Santa Cruz. We ran ~6mi in to a picturesque waterfall, and 6mi back.

What did I learn? Two things: 1) I have to run my own pace and not someone else's, and 2) don't play an ice hockey game the night before a long run. The second lesson is an obvious one. The first is a very typical mistake. You start a run along side some others; the guy next to you is running a bit fast, but you feel fine over the first couple of miles, the setting is great, and you feel like maybe you can sustain this pace. WRONG. After 6mi I was barely able to appreciate the waterfall, and struggled to jog slowly back over the remaining 6mi.

I'm aware of what a realistic pace is for me right now. I think the problem is that my pace is still a bit slow compared to my target race times, especially my target 1/2 marathon time of sub 1h:50m. So I like to think that overnight I can run a lot faster and longer. But I still need to train to achieve my target times.

Waddell Creek is a very beautiful setting. It's actually a very technical run - narrow trail - lots of twists and turns, rocks and roots; you cross the stream many times. I'd like to go back and run it again at my own pace and more thoroughly appreciate it!

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